Sinclair Successfully Completes Job: Averitt Loading Dock Expansion, Lawrenceville, GA

Sinclair Construction Group: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: | (404) 904-5124 Sinclair CG Successfully completes Averitt Concrete Dock Expansion job in Georgia. Lawrenceville, GA (June 2016) – After a successful concrete install at another of Averitt‘s facilities in Atlanta, D.F. Chase entrusted Sinclair Construction Group with another turnkey concrete package for an Averitt Express terminal. […]
Sinclair Construction Awarded Job for Averitt Loading Dock Expansion

Sinclair Construction Group: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: | (404) 904-5124 Concrete Pavement Replacement in Lawrenceville GA – Sinclair Awarded Job by D.F. Chase Lawrenceville, Georgia (February 2016) – After successfully completing dolly pad replacements at this Averitt location a few months prior, Sinclair Construction Group is once again on site for the installation of […]